Module Grade: 75.68%
Portfolio 1 (23.33%)
For the first portfolio, I had to create a 'personal CV website'. This had to include my skills, information about me, and a way to contact me. The source code is available on GitHub.
Grade: 77%
Portfolio 2 (23.33%)
For the second portfolio, I had to create a normalised database to the third normal form standard. This database had to store information about clients, projects, a pool of members that can create projects, and a list of their skills.
Grade: 68%
Portfolio 3 (23.33%)
Finally for the third portfolio, I had to develop a website called 'AProject'. AProject is an software development tracker, powered by Laravel and MySQL. The source code is available on GitHub.
Grade: 96%
Quizzes (30%)
- HTML, CSS and Java Script: 76%
- Database Design, Normalisation and Transactions: 50%
- Server-Side PHP: 68.5%